Shows about  ART


Mesa Verde National Historical Park. Dan Puskar, Centennial Coordinator. Mesa Verde National Park is 100 years old this year. We talk with Dan Puskar, who knows a lot about this legendary wonder, about its past and its present, and the events that are marking this Centennial Celebration.

The Art of Life: Artist Roark Griffin talks about his fascination with painting raptors and the land.
How to Draw Plants: Host Sidney Wildesmith gives a short course in field sketching.
Lessons from Copernicus: Lisa Harrow and Roger Payne
Plant Portraits by A.R. Valentien
Field Journaling: Host Sidney Wildesmith provides an introduction to the making your own field journal
Journaling: The Thumbnail Sketch
NatureMaker: The Man who sculpts Trees 
Artist-in-Residency: Pictured Rocks  National Lakeshore