Making a Difference  

Car Crunch in Pasadena. 

Mayor Bill Bogaard / City of Pasadena, CA

The theme of "Who Killed the Electric Car" was suddenly being replayed this week, as Nissan Motor Company was about to pick up Pasadena's 11 Hypermini electric cars, and haul them off to be ground up into history. And Pasadena said, "hey, not so fast!" and history is being written as we speak.

Special In-depth News 

Projection Commentary with Wild Side News Host Sidney Wildesmith

 Segment 1

 Segment 2

  Segment 3

We Can Change the World: Lester Brown, Director of the Earth Policy Institute, has a plan that can change the world. It's called "Plan B 2.0."

We talk with Janet Larsen Director of Research Earth Policy Institute about the significance of this dramatic strategy to face our future.

Steve Michelson

Executive Director

Lobitos Creek Ranch Studio


Sundance Channel Green. Laura Michalchyshyn, Executive VP, Programming and Marketing. The Sundance Channel. It's coming in early 2007, a regular primetime block of programming about our earth, sustainability, and nature with direction from one of Earth's preeminent friends, Robert Redford.  

Robert Kennedy, Jr. provides a most compelling talk about nature, people and power. His talk is 38 minutes long, and packed with great wisdom. 

SouthWings. Taylor Barnhill Executive Director, talks about the volunteer group of private pilots who donate their spirit and do the right thing by taking scientists, politicos, media and activists of all stripes into the air for a bird's-eye view of the massive disturbances being wrought by various industries.

Presidio School of Management. Ron Nahser, Provost, talks about their recent graduation,  Robert Kennedy, Jr.'s commencement address, and holding to doing the right thing in the noble calling of business.

Adam Shapiro, Co-Producer of "Darfur Diaries," discusses the legacy of Darfur, and what brought him to the point of traveling to Darfur with Aisha Bain and Jen Marlowe, who became the co-producers of "Darfur Diaries." (hour long show in 3 parts)

Michael Jasny, NRDC. This week, over 400 dolphins were found stranded, dead and dying on the coast of Tanzania. Many are speculating that this may be yet another disaster to the oceans' creatures resulting from the catastrophic sounds of submarine underwater sonar. This is just one of the many sonic assaults on the living ocean, struggling now to survive.
Jack Sterne: believes that a very important key to the future of our oceans is helping to identify and support "Ocean Champions."

Fossil Fools Day. Billy Parrish, Say what you will about whether Americans are beginning to wake up about the need to change our ways, campuses are a world of their own, and it's a promising sense of awareness that is uniting their actions around the country. 

Presidio School of Management. 

Dr. Ron Nahser, Provost. ts' a whole new world. With the hottest topic on planet earth being its future, it's critical to have the skills to create the strategies, businesses and foundations that will lay the groundwork for the future. Having an MBA in Sustainability offers unlimited possibilities.  

Surfrider Foundation. Jim Moriarty, Executive Director.  We talk with Jim Moriarty about Surfrider, and the waves and beaches he plans to serve.

Christina Reed: Reporting on Science and the Oceans

Kuala Lampur. Lawrence Myers, International School of Kuala Lumpur. Lawrence talks about what students are doing for EarthDay 2006, and about Malaysia, and its diverse lands. 

India. Deepak Gau, Mediavision Infotainment Co., Gurgaon, India. Deepak has been instrumental in planning an EarthDay 2006 event that is expected to attract thousands. Hear about his hopes for this new celebration in India.  (part 3 of our 2006 EarthDay Show)

Being Caribou Karsten Heuer and his wife Leanne set off on a 5-month, 1000-mile journey to walk in the footprints of the Porcupine Caribou herd, from Canada to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and back.     Available as PodCast

The Farley Mowat Takes Direct Action with Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

The National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska with John Schoen: Senior Scientist: Alaska Audubon

Sand Mountain Blue Butterfly vs the OHV with Karen Schambach, of California PEER

Community Forklift: Jim Schulman / President and Executive Director. Following Katrina, salvaging used (damaged) building materials for sale at vastly reduced prices can put people to work salvaging and selling, and reduce the impact on resources around the world.
A Call to ACTION: Blake Olson, Rainforest Action Network talks about the "GREEN RIBBON CAMPAIGN" to save America's old growth forests. 
Sierra Club Summit (part 1): Greg Casini , Board member of the Sierra Club, talks about this historic event held in San Francisco. 
Sierra Club Summit (part 2): Greg Casini , Board member of the Sierra Club, talks about this historic event held in San Francisco. 
National Energy Bill:  Jeff Rickert of the Apollo Alliance 
Richard Pombo Messing with the Endangered Species Act:  Host Sidney Wildesmith on Senator Pombo's attempts to disempower the EIA. 
A State of the World Report: Host Sidney Wildesmith 
America's New Energy Bill: Jim DePeso, Republicans for Environmental Protection (REP)
National Energy Bill Update: Host Sidney Wildesmith discusses the US's National Energy Bill.
An Open Letter to President Bush: Host Sidney Wildesmith invites the President to take a lead. Time is running out.
Living the Solar Life: Rob Wilder of the Wilderhill Index talks about living in his solar home. 
Re-Energize America: Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn
FLORESTA: with Scott Sabin, Executive Director and Joy Berry, Director of Development
Fedex/Kinkos: Sustainable Futures: Larry Rogero
Rare & Pride Campaigns: Paul Butler, Meghan Hill, Morne Farmer

"Is Environmentalism Dead?

 9 environmental leaders weigh in.

Pyron Solar: Inge and John Laing
The Decade of Discovery Sidney Wildesmith
Environmentalism in the New Conservative America (3 parts) Sidney Wildesmith
Investing in Our World Sidney Wildesmith
New American Dream  Diane Wood: Executive Director
Pale Male Nest Destroyed! Lincoln Karim from the street in NYC. . . LIVE!
Pale Male settlement! David Miller/NY Audubon
The Saga of Pale Male, continues. Frederic Lilien
Election 2004 Paul Ehrlich, Chip Ward & Dan Figer
LIGHTHAWK: Marlow Schmauder / Associate Director
Terry Tempest Williams: "The Open Space of Democracy" 
Dr. Paul Ehrlich: "One With Nineveh" Part 1
Dr. Paul Ehrlich: "One With Nineveh" Part 2
Jane Goodall: Address to Children of the World
International Children's Conference on the Environment
Victory on Montana's Gloria Flora
Dr. Michael Suk: White House Scholar

Kids from around the world: Advice to all!
People's Thoughts on the Environment (3 parts)
American Chestnut Foundation
Sustainable World Conference
Canine Companions: Dave Ball and "Hawk" 
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
Koalas: San Diego Zoo
NatureMaker: The Man who sculpts Trees